The Career Change Diaries Podcast


Alice Stapleton hosts a monthly podcast is for all those contemplating a career change. Featuring inspiring interviews with career changers, and insightful conversations with experts on change more generally, you’ll learn all there is to know about changing career - tips and advice, the highs and lows, how to manage it financially, helpful resources, and where to start.

The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 15

This month on the podcast, I spoke to Philippa Dunn, who began her career as a press officer, before building a career in fundraising and philanthropy. She is now a creative strategist for a range of clients. She's also a writer, and runs a holiday cottage business in her new 'portfolio' career.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 14

This month, we speak to Ayisha Gulati. We hear how volunteering opened her up to the realisation that she could be paid for doing what she loved - talking and writing about sport. By taking the time to explore her interests, Ayisha was able to carve out a career that works for her.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 13

For April’s episode, I spoke to Milly Pelmore. Before making the leap into sports coaching and education, Milly worked in the charity sector, running innovation teams. Although motivated by the end goal of supporting people, a life behind the desk wasn’t enough, and Milly left it all behind.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 12

The Career Change Diaries is a year old! And what a way to celebrate, with this month's guest being legendary career expert, John Lees. In this episode, we discuss the 3 most common perceived barriers to a career change - money, the sunken cost fallacy, and confidence - and how to overcome these.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 11

In the latest episode of the podcast, we speak to Rosie Croft, who worked in luxury fashion buying for 12 years, working with some of the world’s most prestigious brands. After years of feeling dissatisfied, Rosie changed career, and is now a skilled artisan craftswoman. This is her story.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 10

This month, we speak to Hector Hughes, who quit his job in a tech start-up in order to co-found the digital detox cabin company, Unplugged. We hear how a Quarter-Life Crisis led Hector to a silent retreat in the Himalayas. Soon after, he quit his job and and started his own company.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 9

From Professional Wakeboarding to Online Lifestyle & Body Coaching. For December's episode of the podcast, we hear from Jenna Mcavoy, whose career has taken many turns, all fuelled by a desire to help and empower others. Her career journey shows how one chapter can unknowingly lead onto another.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 8

On the podcast this month, we speak to Vida Skreb, who is a Neuroscientist and Leadership Coach. Vida helps us understand why contemplating a career change is so challenging for us humans. We delve into neuroscience to find out where our fears and doubts come from, and how to overcome them.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 7

This month, we hear from Christina Frowein, who started her career in hotels and the travel industry, after her BA in Hospitality Management. After 8 years, she went back to university to follow her real passion, earning a MA in Coaching and Leadership, and now works for a coaching startup.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 6

This month, we hear from Hannah Stange, who made a career change from the private equity sector, into the Probation Service. Hannah highlights the importance of financial planning when your career change may require a pay drop, and offers three key pieces of advice for others considering a change.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 5

This month, we speak to Rachel Schofield, who worked for the BBC as a journalist and news presenter for 20 years, before training as a Career Coach. Rachel discusses how even ‘sexy' jobs can have their downsides and how it can be hard to let go of a career that defines a large part of your identity.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 4

In July's episode, we hear from David Horrich, who provides a candid and philosophical account of his career change journey from e-commerce photography to property. He talks through the windy road of change, and why it’s OK not to have it ALL figured out before proceeding with your next step.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 3

In June's episode, we hear from Spencer Williams, who changed career from retail management into garden design. Spencer talks about the impact being in a career he simply fell into was starting to have on his mental health, and how the death of his father prompted him to start his own business.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 2

In episode 2 of The Career Change Diaries podcast, we hear from career changer, Jemma Khan, about her intriguing journey from being an Account Manager for an IT recruitment company, to starting a whole new career as a Wedding Florist.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 1

My new podcast is here - The Career Change Diaries! This monthly podcast is for all those contemplating a career change. Featuring inspiring interviews with career changers, and insightful conversations with experts on change more generally, you’ll learn all there is to know about changing career.


Alice Stapleton

About Alice

Alice coaches those who want to change career but don’t know what they want to do instead. She offers Career Coaching designed to help graduates, early to mid-level career-changers, and parents returning to work gain a clear vision of what career is right for them, and how to achieve it. She is also an accredited Coach Supervisor, and host of The Career Change Diaries podcast.