
Is Your Job Giving You The Ick?

The ick isn't limited to the world of dating - and once it strikes at work, it's hard to ignore. Alice spoke to Stylist Magazine about how to spot the warning signs, and when it's time to leave.


Career Countdown: Graduates Anxious About Next Steps

Last month, Alice was invited to take part in the Government's 'Get Into Teaching' campaign, designed to encourage those leaving education to consider a career in teaching. Alice spoke to a number of radio stations about the campaign's research, and her experiences of coaching graduates.


Job Searching While You’re Still Employed: Five Dos and Don’ts

A recent PwC survey found that one in five say they’ll likely switch jobs in the next year. But what do you do if you actually want to make the jump, and how do you navigate the search while you still have a job? Alice offered her dos and don'ts for this article in Sifted.


Is It Time To Quit Your Job?

Over the last two years, the world of work has changed a lot. So it’s no surprise that many people have realised that, actually, they don’t want to do a job they hate anymore. Alice spoke to Woo (new venture from ITV) about ‘The Great Resignation’, and how to know if it's time to quit your job.


Tune Into The Right Time To Quit Your Job

New research has found that nearly half of British workers aged 16 to 34 have considered quitting their job in the last three months. This week, Alice contributed towards Grazia's Life Skills section with a piece helping readers to consider when might be the right time to quit their job.


How To Get A Promotion Post-Pandemic

Many feel that the pandemic has stalled their chances of a promotion, especially with the new hybrid way of working making it hard to gain recognition from decision makers. Alice shared her tips and advice for getting a promotion post-pandemic with My Imperfect Life.


Changing Careers: Is it worth it? Should I take a pay cut?

Making a career change has never been so popular, with almost a million people moving from one job to another in the three months to September, according to the ONS. But making a career switch is not straightforward. Alice spoke to Telegraph Money regarding the most important factors to consider. 


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Alice Stapleton

About Alice

Alice coaches those who want to change career but don’t know what they want to do instead. She offers Career Coaching designed to help graduates, early to mid-level career-changers, and parents returning to work gain a clear vision of what career is right for them, and how to achieve it. She is also an accredited Coach Supervisor, and host of The Career Change Diaries podcast.