Career Coach London

A Career Coach helps you define where you want to take your career next, based on your personal (values, strengths, purpose) and professional preferences (work motivators, ideal working day and environment etc). The coaching then helps you figure out how to take the first steps towards your new career goal. Sessions can be face to face in London, or over Skype/telephone worldwide.

The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 16

We're back! In this episode of the podcast, we spoke with Mie Kayser Jensen. Mie previously worked as a Communications and Social Media Executive at a travel company in London. Since finishing her Masters in Journalism, Mie now works with news podcasting, and writes about lifestyle and motherhood.


7 Signs It's Time For A Career Change

Have you been wondering if it's time for a career change? How do you know when it's really time to move on? This guest post by Liza Griffen, co-founder of Tyler Griffen, will help you identify the signs that it might be time for a career change.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 14

This month, we speak to Ayisha Gulati. We hear how volunteering opened her up to the realisation that she could be paid for doing what she loved - talking and writing about sport. By taking the time to explore her interests, Ayisha was able to carve out a career that works for her.


Change Your Career For Just £495!

Want to change career but don't know what you want to do instead? Like the idea of working with a Career Coach, but too tight on budget? Too busy to have one to one sessions with a Career Coach? Then this new self-led online course is perfect for you - and it only costs £495!


How To Choose A Career Coach

In the nearly 14 years that I’ve been working as coach, I’ve noticed a huge rise in the number of people training and setting up as a coach. And, yet, it remains an unregulated industry. So, I’ve pulled together 7 key questions I believe you should be asking when you're looking for a coach.


How A Professional Development Plan Can Help You Flourish

In an era marked by rapid professional transformation, a personalised professional development plan is a cornerstone for career advancement, as it serves as a strategic framework to navigate various career aspirations. This article covers the essential components of a professional development plan.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 13

For April’s episode, I spoke to Milly Pelmore. Before making the leap into sports coaching and education, Milly worked in the charity sector, running innovation teams. Although motivated by the end goal of supporting people, a life behind the desk wasn’t enough, and Milly left it all behind.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 12

The Career Change Diaries is a year old! And what a way to celebrate, with this month's guest being legendary career expert, John Lees. In this episode, we discuss the 3 most common perceived barriers to a career change - money, the sunken cost fallacy, and confidence - and how to overcome these.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 11

In the latest episode of the podcast, we speak to Rosie Croft, who worked in luxury fashion buying for 12 years, working with some of the world’s most prestigious brands. After years of feeling dissatisfied, Rosie changed career, and is now a skilled artisan craftswoman. This is her story.


4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Making a Career Change

If you have grand career aspirations outside of your current career path, now may be the time to consider a change. But, how do you know whether making a change is the right thing to do? Here, we take a look at four of the core questions can you ask yourself before you decide upon a career change.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 10

This month, we speak to Hector Hughes, who quit his job in a tech start-up in order to co-found the digital detox cabin company, Unplugged. We hear how a Quarter-Life Crisis led Hector to a silent retreat in the Himalayas. Soon after, he quit his job and and started his own company.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 9

From Professional Wakeboarding to Online Lifestyle & Body Coaching. For December's episode of the podcast, we hear from Jenna Mcavoy, whose career has taken many turns, all fuelled by a desire to help and empower others. Her career journey shows how one chapter can unknowingly lead onto another.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 8

On the podcast this month, we speak to Vida Skreb, who is a Neuroscientist and Leadership Coach. Vida helps us understand why contemplating a career change is so challenging for us humans. We delve into neuroscience to find out where our fears and doubts come from, and how to overcome them.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 7

This month, we hear from Christina Frowein, who started her career in hotels and the travel industry, after her BA in Hospitality Management. After 8 years, she went back to university to follow her real passion, earning a MA in Coaching and Leadership, and now works for a coaching startup.


The Unexpected Side Effect of Change: Loss

I’ve been having a lot of conversations about loss recently. It comes up quite a lot for career change clients, in that contemplating a new career comes with unexpected feelings of loss in relation to their current/previous career. Yet, the consequence of any type of change is loss.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 6

This month, we hear from Hannah Stange, who made a career change from the private equity sector, into the Probation Service. Hannah highlights the importance of financial planning when your career change may require a pay drop, and offers three key pieces of advice for others considering a change.


Childhood Dreams: Do We Follow Them or Does Reality Bite?

I was recently made aware of new research, which gives an interesting breakdown of where we really get to with our childhood dreams. How many of us are actually following the career path we envisaged as a child? Or did adulthood change our priorities? Have a read to find out.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 5

This month, we speak to Rachel Schofield, who worked for the BBC as a journalist and news presenter for 20 years, before training as a Career Coach. Rachel discusses how even ‘sexy' jobs can have their downsides and how it can be hard to let go of a career that defines a large part of your identity.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 4

In July's episode, we hear from David Horrich, who provides a candid and philosophical account of his career change journey from e-commerce photography to property. He talks through the windy road of change, and why it’s OK not to have it ALL figured out before proceeding with your next step.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 3

In June's episode, we hear from Spencer Williams, who changed career from retail management into garden design. Spencer talks about the impact being in a career he simply fell into was starting to have on his mental health, and how the death of his father prompted him to start his own business.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 2

In episode 2 of The Career Change Diaries podcast, we hear from career changer, Jemma Khan, about her intriguing journey from being an Account Manager for an IT recruitment company, to starting a whole new career as a Wedding Florist.


How to Worry Less About What Others Think

A few weeks ago, I did something I was quite nervous to do. The experience encouraged me to share my thoughts and tips on what’s helped me stop worrying so much about what others think, because it holds us back in so many ways, especially when it comes to career change. So, read on to hear my tips.


How to Change Career? Take a Test Drive

Changing careers can be a daunting process, but it can also be a rewarding one when it leads to a job that you enjoy more and find fulfilling. However, many people are put off because they don't know what new career to choose. This blog post suggests 'test driving' your ideas as the way forward.


The Career Change Diaries Podcast: Episode 1

My new podcast is here - The Career Change Diaries! This monthly podcast is for all those contemplating a career change. Featuring inspiring interviews with career changers, and insightful conversations with experts on change more generally, you’ll learn all there is to know about changing career.


Average Cost of Attending An Interview Now Exceeds £100

Last week, I was delighted to be the resident Career Coach at The Interview Store - a fantastic new pop-up store within Waterloo Station providing visitors with a free interview outfit and interview coaching, launched by Trainline in response to their latest research findings.


Police Officer Tops List of Childhood Jobs

Recently, I had the pleasure of talking to a variety of radio/TV stations about childhood dream jobs, following new research from the ‘Be the Difference’ police recruitment campaign. Top of the list in this research? Police Officer! Here, I discuss that research and tips for changing career.


5 Things To Consider When Writing A Career Change CV

When you move into a new career, you may be lacking key experience, skills or qualifications, so it's important to craft your CV carefully to highlight your most relevant and transferable attributes. Here are five things to consider when writing a CV for a career change.


What Is The STAR Interview Technique?

Preparing for a job interview can be daunting. After all, you don't know the questions that are going to come up. The STAR technique can help you prepare strong answers that you can adapt accordingly. Read on to learn more about what the STAR technique is, and how you can use it during an interview.


How To Know If It's Time To Change Career (& Where To Start)

Like many others in today's workplace, you may be considering embarking on a new career. It’s hard to know whether and when to make the change though. Read on for advice on how to know when it's time to move on, and a series of small steps to kick off your next career move.


83% of Graduates Anxious About Next Career Steps

Last month, I was delighted to take part in the Government's 'Get Into Teaching' campaign. As part of the campaign, research was carried out to assess how students and recent graduates were feeling about making decisions concerning their future careers. Here, I discuss the findings.


4 Life Lessons From A 40 Year Old

It was my 40th birthday yesterday. In a funny way, I feel a bit embarrassed saying I’m 40. Although, 40 is the new 30 apparently. Either way, turning 40 got me thinking about what I have learnt so far and what advice I would give my 20-30 year old self. So, here are my 4 life lessons so far.


4 Common Career Change Fears (and How to Overcome Them)

Over the years, I have seen a patten in which fears often hold people back from making a career change. This article lists 4 common fears I have come across, along with tips to help you manage these fears, so they don't get in the way of you changing into more fulfilling and enjoyable work.


Career-Changer Series: From Pharmaceuticals to Pilates

As part of my ongoing Career-Changer series, I had the pleasure of interviewing my very own Pilates instructor, Jenna Reece. I thought it would be great to understand why and how Jenna changed from working in drug manufacturing, following a PhD, to training and practicing as a Pilates instructor.


Career-Changer Series: From Tech Growth to Start-Up Co-Founder

As part of my ongoing Career-Changer series, I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing Unplugged co-founder, Hector Hughes. Here he gives us an insight into where the idea for off-grid cabins came from, and what motivated him to step away from his previous career working in the tech sector.


Career-Changer Series: From Physical Therapist to Accountant

As part of my ongoing Career-Changer series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Andy Elliot about his career transition from physical therapy to accountancy. Struggling with his anti-social working hours, we learn how Andy leveraged his strengths and interests to change career path.


Career-Changer Series: From Fashion to Business Mentor

As part of my ongoing Career-Changer series, I spoke to Gali Siegal about her transition from Fashion Account Manager to Business Mentor. Forced to re-consider her career following a serious accident, we hear how Gali sought out a new career with more flexibility and the opportunity to give back.


Why We Fear Change (& How to Overcome Yours)

The strongest theme that has emerged from reading many personal development books and coaching individuals seeking change for over ten years now, is how FEAR is the one thing that holds us back from doing pretty much anything new. Here we learn why we fear change, and how to overcome those fears.


What is Coaching Supervision?

I recently qualified as a Coaching Supervisor, having spent eight months completing a Diploma in Coaching Supervision. It's recommended that every coach has a Supervisor. But what is Coaching Supervision, and what can you expect from working with a coach Supervisor?


Are You A Highly Sensitive Person?

I have recently become aware of a personality trait that I’m not sure I knew existed. I knew I was an introvert, and quite a sensitive one at that, and perhaps someone who struggled a little with anxiety on top of that. Here, I describe my discovery of the 'Highly Sensitive Person' trait.


Career-Changer Series: From Marketing to Coaching

This week, as part of my ongoing Career-Changer series, I spoke to career-shifter Ayesha Murray about her switch from a successful 20 year career in Marketing to training and starting out as a Coach and Mentor for working parents.


Your Career Questions answered on BBC News Live

On Monday, I was asked to join Simon McCoy on BBC News Live to answer questions from viewers struggling to find work during the Pandemic. I answered questions relating to CVs and interviews, offering advice and tips along the way.


Career-Changer Series: From Teacher to Wine Business Founder

As part of my ongoing Career-Changer series, I was delighted to reconnect with an old school friend, who I spotted from LinkedIn had changed career and started his own wine business. Here, I share Edd Simpson's journey, from musician, to teacher, to starting his own business in the wine industry.


The Parenting Equation Podcast

Earlier this week, I spoke to Ayesha Murray for her podcast, The Parent Equation. Ayesha coaches working parents looking to progress their careers or improve their work life balance alignment. We discussed our experiences of becoming a parent, and the impact children have on our working lives.


How To Build A Coaching Business

If you’re a new coach starting out, or struggling to get your coaching business going, then this video is for you. I was interviewed as part of a series of fireside chats for the coach training company, Firework (who I trained with). In it, I share all my experiences of starting my coaching business.


Understanding the Stages of (Career) Change

There’s no denying that 2020 has been a year of uncertainty. This article explores the Change Curve, a model designed to help us understand the array of difficult emotions we all experience during a period of upheaval, whether that be the recent pandemic or your current career change journey.


Want to Change Career? Challenge Your Expectations First

It’s taken you a while, perhaps years of niggles, but you’re now aware that a change in career is required. So, what now? Where do you start? The first thing to do is examine your career change expectations, and ensure that they are as helpful as they can be.


Career Advice Talk for Graduates (& Career Changers)

A few weeks ago, I was asked to record a careers talk for the school leavers of one of my old schools. The advice I gave is incredibly relevant for graduates and career changers too, as there’s a similar sense of ‘getting started in something new’ and ‘what’s next’ that spans both situations.


Career-Changer Series: From Recruiter to Florist

As part of my ongoing Career-Changer series, I spoke to career-shifter (and dear friend) Jemma Khan about her courageous journey from being a Recruitment Consultant, to starting a whole new career, and her own business, as a Florist.


The 5 Thinking Habits Holding You Back

What I’ve noticed over the past few weeks are a handful of thinking patterns that appear to be driving the fear a lot of us are currently experiencing. What are these unhelpful thinking habits we can look out for? How can we challenge them to enable us to think in a way that’s much more helpful?


5 Tips To Adapt Your CV For A Complete Career Change

Writing a CV isn’t an easy task for some, and can be challenging at the best of times. But when changing careers, it can be even more difficult. These simple 5 tips from job site Zoek will guide you on how to write a good CV to help you impress potential employers and score your dream job.


How to Start Your Career Change

For too long, we’ve relied on internet job boards to find a new career. This might work if you know what you’re looking for. If you don’t, it can feel overwhelming, and a process that often lands you back in a role similar to the one you were trying to move away from. So, what’s the alternative?


Spring Sale: 10% Off

With it being the 1st of March, and in the spirit of having a good Spring clean, throughout March, I’m offering 10% off my 12-session career change process. So, if you’re finally ready to sort out your career, and make the shift into work you truly enjoy, then this sale is for you.


Tips for Changing Career in Your 30s

How to change career in your 30s? I spoke to a client last week who said that changing career in her 30s felt like a crazy idea. She felt trapped. She asked me what advice I had for someone changing career in their 30s. So, I thought I’d share my top tips for changing career here.


Understanding Your Own Definition of Success

When it comes to our careers, Social Media can make us a feel like a failure because we constantly compare ourselves to the achievements of others. If we’re not achieving the same things, we fail to see ourselves as successful. However, success should be an internal measurement, not an external one.


Career-Changer Series: From Project Management to Business Owner

This month, as part of my ongoing Career-Changer series, I spoke to Siobhan about her journey from working in Project Management to starting her very own champagne business. These interviews seek to share advice from those who have changed career, in order to inspire those wishing to do the same.


Career-Changer Series: From Registered Veterinary Nurse to Baker

Over the coming months, I will be interviewing and sharing the inspirational stories of people who have made the decision to change career. I ask them about their career shifts and what advice they have for others considering a career change. My first interview is with the amazing Ellie White.


January Sale: 10% Off

Returning to work after the festive season can really suck, especially if you hate your job. The start of the New Year can hit home hard too - yet another year doing work you don’t enjoy. If you’ve promised yourself that 2019 will be the year you finally quit your job and find work you love, then get in touch. There’s 10% off upfront payments made in January to help you on your way to finding a career that you’re passionate about.


Tips for Overcoming Loneliness

It’s World Mental Health Day today. I’m so pleased that, this year, the focus is on mental health in adolescence and young adulthood. It’s great that mental health is being talked about more and more, and that people are starting to feel more comfortable opening up about how they’re feeling.


Why We Stay in Jobs We Dislike

Recent research from LinkedIn sheds light on exactly why we stay in jobs we dislike. It would seem that there a number of common barriers we come up against when we’re considering a job change.


Overcoming Your Fear of Changing Career

Whenever we’re considering making a change, or doing something new or different, it’s often our fears that get in the way. This post seeks to help you understand where these fears come from, and how to manage them.


5 Reasons Millennials Quit Their Jobs

As a Career Change Coach, I hear many reasons for leaving what may appear on the surface to be a perfectly decent job. Whilst these reasons often vary from person to person, what I’ve noticed over the years is a strong pattern in what tends to underpin their motivations for leaving.


Returning to Work After A Baby: Tips & Experiences

Having a baby is a funny thing. In the eyes of some, you immediately age about 50 years, but, in your head, you feel just as young as you ever did. Here I share my experiences of returning to work after being on maternity leave, and tips for you and your employer to help make it a smooth transition.


How to Change Career in 2018

I read this morning that the average person will change career 5-7 times during their working life. If you’ve decided that this is the year that you finally ditch that job you hate, then here are five steps to help you on your way to changing career in 2018.


LBC Interview on Millennial Inheritance Boom

Recent research conducted by the Resolution Foundation suggests that Millennials are set to enjoy the biggest inheritance boom of any post-war generation. I was kindly invited on to Andrew Castle’s LBC show this morning to discuss the findings, and what benefits this might bring for millennials


I’m back from Maternity Leave!

No I haven’t posted anything new for over a year now and no, I didn’t get lazy or super busy - I have been on Maternity Leave, having given birth to little Magnus in December 2016. I’ve just returned to work and I have some exciting news about a new Career Coaching programme I now offer.


The Quarter Life Crisis

The Quarter Life Crisis describes the anxious transition those in their 20s and 30s often experience when they start to question who they are and what they want from the rest of their lives. It often prompts the need for a career change but few know what they want to do instead.


How To Be Happy: Change The Way You Think

In this blog post, I examine the idea of changing things as a way of finding happiness. I have learnt that perhaps the answer is not to seek happiness from external things. Perhaps the answer is to change the way we see and interpret things within ourselves. I explore this concept within this blog.


I Hate My Job: What Are My Options?

Maybe you’re feeling frustrated, disillusioned, or just fed up. We all feel like this from time to time but what do you do if you’ve been feeling this way for a while now? In this article, I take you through four key options that can help you determine what your next step might need to be.


Five Ways to Stop Feeling like an Imposter

Following on from my last post on how to build your self-confidence, it seemed apt that my next article focus on perhaps the ultimate form of low self-confidence — the feeling that you’re a complete fraud. Here, Imposter Syndrome, and five ways to overcome it, are discussed in more detail.


5 Tips for Building Your Self-Confidence

We face some form of rejection almost every day, which can impact how confident you feel. How can you build yourself up again, or maintain the self-confidence you may already have? Here are five tips on how to do just that.


5 Signs it's Time to Quit Your Job

If you're seriously dreading every Monday morning, and find yourself counting down the hours each day, it may be time to reassess. Here are five signs that it's probably time to quit your job.


Video: Meet Alice

This is a short video I made introducing myself and what I do as a Career/Life Coach. Have a watch if you'd like to find out more about coaching and what to expect from working with me.


Alice Stapleton

About Alice

Alice coaches those who want to change career but don’t know what they want to do instead. She offers Career Coaching designed to help graduates, early to mid-level career-changers, and parents returning to work gain a clear vision of what career is right for them, and how to achieve it. She is also an accredited Coach Supervisor, and host of The Career Change Diaries podcast.